Client-Centered Roles
1. Client Advocate
Donate a two to four-hour block of time to meet with our clients for one-on-one care and counseling. Requires attendance to one of our volunteer training courses.
2. Men’s Ministry Volunteer
Meet one-on-one with young men accompanying their girlfriends or wives.
3. H.O.P.E. Class Teacher
Volunteer to teach a H.O.P.E class. The curriculum and training will be provided, all you need is the passion for the subject, and we’ll provide the rest. Is there something you are passionate about that is not listed? Let us know; we are open to new ideas!
4. Esperanza Class Teacher
If you speak Spanish fluently, volunteer to teach an Esperanza class (HOPE is Spanish). The curriculum and training will be provided, all you need is the passion for the subject, and we’ll provide the rest. Is there something you are passionate about that is not listed? Let us know; we are open to new ideas!
5. Bible Study Leader
Lead a Bible Study for men, pregnant women, and those who have already had babies through the Center. English and Spanish Leaders are needed.
6. Sponsor a Meal for Class Night
We’re looking for churches, small groups, or local organizations to supply a meal for our H.O.P.E and Esperanza attendees. This is a great opportunity to visit with our students and promote your church or organization. Sign-up here.
Please call us at (409)443-5059 for more information about volunteer opportunities.
Support Volunteer
1. Special Events
Assist staff in planning and executing events (Our Annual Banquet, Baby Bottle Boomerang).
2. Housekeeping/Maintenance
Help with indoor and outdoor cleaning and repairs.
3. Task Volunteer
Assist with sorting, closet maintenance, gift preparation, and general administrative tasks.
4. Church Liaison
Work with your pastor and church administration to inform them of the events, activities, and services of the PHCG.
5. Donating Items
An individual or group could hold a baby shower or collect items needed for the Pregnancy Help Center. We also accept gently used items to pass on to our clients.